„Messages are overused and misused in modern art.“ - Photographer Zachar Rise in conversation with Thomas Berlin
Zachar Rise is a well known portrait and nude photographer based in Israel. With Thomas Berlin he talked about inspiration, beauty, light and role models.
“Ich finde Menschen großartig” - Ben Hammer im Gespräch mit Thomas Berlin
Ben ist Fotograf, Buchautor und manches mehr. Mit dem begeisterten Kölner sprach ich über seine Buchtrilogie, warum er am Liebsten mit Menschen arbeitet, den Reiz analoger Fotografie und wie er sein persönliches Paradies finden möchte.
“I would prefer a photo with bad light, if the picture is conveying a certain feeling.” - Ivan Kavaldzhiev in conversation with Thomas Berlin
The portrait photographer Ivan Kavaldzhiev in conversation with Thomas Berlin. - Ivan Kavaldzhiev is a portrait photographer based in Sofia, Bulgaria. We talked about his passion for portraits and analog photography, his gear, and when photography comes to life.